The information and services provided within e-Government Gateway application are designed to address the widest user base, irrespective of the user's device, software and physical limitations. has design features that let disabled citizens to use it easily.
To access detailed information about the standards TS EN ISO 9241-151 and TSEK 194-TS ISO/IEC 40500:2012 (WCAG) determined by TSE, please click here.

Accessibility Features

The e-Government Gateway is designed to be easily used by all members of the society and to keep the additional commercial software that the user may need at the lowest possible level.
  • All pages and interactive content were created by considering users with disabilities.
  • For screen readers and users who can not use the mouse, all content can only be used with the keyboard.
  • Our pages are developed by taking into consideration W3C and Public Internet Sites Standards .
  • Technically, it is designed to be viewed by software that supports XHTML 1.1 ve CSS 2.
As e-Government Gateway team we are working to make our pages more accessible. In order to resolve possible accessibility issues, please contact us with any problems you may have.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcuts are key combinations that make it easy to move within a web page without using a mouse. Especially for disabled users it is used for the purpose of convenience. uses the following shortcuts.
h - All services
1 - Go to the content
2 - Homepage
3 - Sitemap
4 - Quick search box
5 - Frequently asked questions
6 - Help
7 - Write us
8 - Terms of use
9 - Contact
0 - Information about keyboard shortcuts

How to use keyboard shortcuts?

Internet Explorer™, Opera™, Chrome™
Press ALT key and shortcut key together then press ENTER.
Mozilla Firefox
Press the shortcut key you want to go to while holding down the ALT and the SHIFT key.
Apple Safari™
Press the shortcut key you want to go to while holding down the CTRL key.

Recommended Browsers and Operating Systems

E-Government Gateway has been designed and tested to work on a wide range of devices and software. Although system requirements are kept at the minimum level, you may need to install most recent versions of the software you are using or install additional software to take advantage of some features.
The pages on are tested with the following browsers and operating systems.
  • Microsoft Edge™ (on Windows 10)
  • Mozilla Firefox (on Windows and Linux OS)
  • Opera™ (on Windows and Linux OS)
  • Google Chrome™ (on Windows and Linux OS)
  • Safari™ (on OS X)

Using the Dyslexia Extension

Dyslexia is a problem that makes reading difficult for people. Reading is a very difficult task as dyslexic individuals tend to change the order of letters, syllables and words.
Users with reading difficulties can adjust their font settings by installing browser extension - developed for users with visual dyslexia - that provides suitable fonts for dyslexia, customizable font size, line width and character spacing settings for dyslexic individuals.
e-Government Gateway can be viewed in accordance with dyslexia by searching for dyslexia from the extension store of the internet browser for the desired dyslexia application, installing the browser extension with the "Add to Browser" or a similar button and activating it from the extension section.

Our pages are tested on Internet Explorer™ 10 but you may encounter some visual differences on different platforms. We suggest using later versions of this browser.
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