E-Government Gateway

Things to Pay Attention for the Security of Your Password and Personal Information

e-Government Gateway; it provides that you to reach many public services easily, quickly and safely from a single point.

When using the e-Government Gateway, please pay attention to the suggestions and warnings on this page.

From justice to social security and insurance, from health to transportation, from education to environment and urban planning, the e-Government Gateway provides direct access to the most used services. Since important personal information can be accessed, high security measures are implemented in the security layer of the e-Government Gateway. Login methods (password, electronic signature, mobile signature, Turkish ID card, internet banking) are used to access this information and services. Password security is great importance due to the risk of personal information being captured by others and suffered financial and emotional damage.

Important Reminders for e-Government Password...

Many incorrect information about the use of the e-Government password are spread in various environment. For this reason, we would like to make brief reminders about the security of the e-Government password...

e-Government Gateway Official Webpage and Moible Applications

  • e-Government Gateway does not have a webpage other than www.turkiye.gov.tr . To access the e-Government Gateway, always enter www.turkiye.gov.tr in the address bar of your web browser. When you reach the e-Government Gateway by redirecting from another website, check the address bar and padlock icon next to the website name. You can log in to your e-Government account via https://giris.turkiye.gov.tr/Giris/gir . Do not log in or take any other action on fake websites using the e-Government Gateway logo and images other than this website.
  • You can install official mobile applications of the e-Government Gateway from the Google Play, App Store and App Gallery mobile application markets. Make sure that the developer name of official mobile applications “T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Dijital Dönüşüm Ofisi” in the mobile application markets. Do not log in or take any other action on fake mobile applications using the e-Government Gateway logo and images other than official mobile applications.

Don't share e-Government Password

  • Your e-Government password is personal and do not share your password with anyone to secure for the security your personal information. Do not give your password to anyone who asks for your password for any reason such as loan application, recruitment etc. The people you give your password to can access your personal information and take action on your behalf. No one, including e-Government Gateway employees, can ask from you for personal information and your password, see your password, or make a password change on your behalf. Be careful against people who ask you for your personal information or e-Government password via telephone, e-mail, etc., do not give your information.
  • Employees of e-Government Gateway do not ask for your password, so do not pay attention to people who ask for your password by introducing themselves as an employee of e-Government Gateway.
  • Notify those who ask for your e-Government password to the prosecutor's office.

Create Strong Password

  • Create your password as a password that complies with the strong password creation criteria specified on the relevant page
  • Do not use simple and predictable passwords to prevent your password from being guessed. Your password shouldn't contain personal information like your hobbies, birth date, birth place, identity number. Also It should not contain consecutive and repeating numbers / letter sequences. It should not contain words and letter groups that are frequently used or found in dictionaries (Örn: qwerty, parola). To increase your password security, your password should be mixed with upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
  • If you think someone else is trying to log into your account, change your password to a stronger one.
  • For the security of your personal information, it is recommended that you change your password every three months.

Use Secure Devices and Networks

  • Only use devices you trust (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) to prevent your password or other personal information from being captured by others. Devices in common areas may contain programs to steal your personal information.
  • Protect your personal devices against viruses and similar programs. Scan your devices regularly with virus protection programs. Update your virus protection program regularly.
  • Keep the password saving feature in web browser applications (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.) turned off.
  • Unsecured wireless networks are networks that you can access without a password or other form of authentication. Login to the e-Government Gateway over unsecured wireless networks will endanger your password security. Please do not log in to the e-Government Gateway over unsecured wireless networks. Please do not log in to the e-Government Gateway over unsecured wireless networks.
  • You will never be asked for your personal information or password via e-mail. Since the vast majority of harmful applications and viruses are spread by e-mail, delete suspicious e-mails and e-mails whose sender you do not know before reading them.

If You Need a New e-Government Password

  • If you are in Türkiye, you can get your password from PTT branches and Türksat Kablo Offices.
  • If you are abroad, you can get your password free of charge from embassies and consulates.
  • You can create a free password by log in the e-Government Gateway with one of the mobile signature, electronic signature, e-ID card or internet banking options.

If You Forget Your e-Government Password

  • If you wish, you can get a new password from PTT branches or Türksat Kablo offices in if you are in Türkiye, and if you are abroad, you can get a new password from embassies and consulates;
  • You can create a free password by log in the e-Government Gate with one of the mobile signature, electronic signature, identity card or internet banking options and you can make your next logins with this password;
  • If you have verified mobile phone number in your e-Government Gateway account, you can renew your password free of charge. You can perform the password reset process by visiting our Forgot Password page.

Protect your account with two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication, which is an additional security step to the password, is designed to increase the e-Government Gateway account security.

For the security of your personal information, it is recommended that the Two-factor authentication be turned on. After logging in to the e-Government Gateway, you can manage your Two-factor authentication setting from the “Two-Factor Authentication Process” menu on the Security Settings page.

Official e-Government Gateway Mobile Application

Please do not install and use unofficial e-Government Gateway mobile applications.

You can install e-Government Gateway mobile applications for your Android, Apple and Huawei devices from Google Play, App Store and App Gallery mobile application markets. You can view the official mobile applications of the e-Government Gateway by using the mobile application market images below. Do not use other mobile applications with similar appearance and name.

Security Certificate

The e-Government Gateway uses electronic certificates for security purposes. When you go to a site that has a padlock icon next to the site name, it means the site is secured with a digital certificate. Also make sure that the website address in the address bar starts with “https“, not “http“.

You can check the certificate for the accuracy of the site you access by using the padlock symbols in the web browser application you are using.

Personal Information

The confidentiality of your personal information is important in terms of ensuring your security in the services you receive. Keep your personal information, which is used to confirm your identity, private both on social media and in real life. In cases where your information such as Date of Birth, Identity Number is requested, confirm the purpose for which the requesting person or institution requests this information.

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